Mať slobodu a udržať si ju, sú občas 2 rozličné úrovne a stavy.

On the path of life... we collect important colored, black-white, pearl, silver, gold, precious stone beads with which we create our jewelry of life as a bracelet, necklace, or create together our unique collection of ME&YOU in interactions with the people

Najvyššou pridanou hodnotou AI je v podstate tréning rozlišovania.
AI je spôsob ako nezblbnúť a potvrdiť si a nachádzať sa vo vlastnom strede svojej vlastnej osobnosti. Každopádne je to aj rýchlosť menenia, čo znamená, že nevýhodou je vyťahovanie financií za meniace sa nástroje, ktoré fungujú istý čas a veľmi rýchlo je k danej funkcii pridaná/ odobratá funkcia, ktorá je platiaca, aby mala ďalší zmysel posunu. Výhodou je v zmysle istej funkcie napr. zrýchlenie a uľachčenia práce v niekedy oklieštenom rozsahu. Každopádne dokážete vidieť, že istú prácu vytvorila AI, to je potrebné vedieť rozlíšiť a vidieť to. Dobre odpovedať v zmysle AI je zadať dobrý vstup/ informáciu T.j. dokáže odpovedať aj nie úplne dokonale a správne. Najvyššou pridanou hodnotou AI je v podstate tréning rozlišovania. Zapájame naše ľudské zmysly a podstatnú minulosť, staviame na prítomnosti a tvoríme realitu napr. práce, napr. AI ako nástroj/ pomocník. Závisí kde kto hľadá inšpiráciu a ako tvorí ako človek individuálne. Dokážete mať viacero pohľadov, t.j. napr. pokiaľ vnímate, že niečo urobila umelá inteligencia, nestojí to za nič, alebo druhá strana , urýchlilo nám to a zefektívnilo čas práce. Kormidluje to vždy človek, či už zadáva informácie, alebo ich koriguje v zmysle výstupu prezentovania napr. svojej práce. AI nikdy úplne nenahradí ľudský faktor. 

The highest added value of AI is basically discernment training.

AI  is a way  not to fool around and validate and be in your  own center  of  your own personality. Anyway, its also the speed of changing, which means that the disadvantege is pulling out money  for changing tools that work for a centain period of time and very quickly a feature that is paying is added/ removed to give it another  shift meaning.
The advantage is in terms of a certain function, e.g. accelation and relief of work in a sometimes reduced range.
Anyway, you can see that some work was created by AI, you need to be able to distinguish and see it. To answear well in the sense of AI is to enter  good input/ information , i.e. it can answer even not completely perfectly and correctly.
The highest added value of AI is basically discernment training. We engage our human senses and essential past, build on the present and create the reality of e.g. work. AI as a tool/ helper. It depends on where one looks for inspiration and how they create as a person individually.
You can have multi views, i.e.if you perceive that something has been done by artificial intelligence, it is not worth anything, or the other party, it has accelerated and streamlined  our work time. It is always handled by a person, whether he enters information or corrects it in terms of the output of presenting, for example , his work.
AI will never completely replace the human factor.

TOPics to update today´s human software

Science without faith and faith without science... 

When someone defines himself as a scientist, or the given research is scientifically based, it "has" more strenght, it is more trustworthy than some "faith". However, the best scientist himself knows and it is possible for him to define that he does not fully understand his knowledge and research. It is a certain invisible and visible alchemy. Let's define according to the general wikipedia what it is: 

Science is one of the forms of human acquisition of the world, the product of which is theoretically systematized objective knowledge or a set of knowledge located in a reasoned context. Current science is based on observation or experiment, and these must be repeatable and freely accessible. The purpose of this activity is to formulate hypotheses, make predictions and finally test them. If the predictions are confirmed, and the hypothesis is internally consistent, it becomes a theory (usually a larger number of hypotheses are combined into one theory). Science is subject to the requirement of objectivity, truth and methodology (or even terminological ambiguity). Science is the subject of investigation by a number of metascientific disciplines , e.g. philosophy of science, logic, theory of science, etc. The term "science" is sometimes abbreviated to a field of study.
What is

Faith can be:
belief, firm belief in something (see also trust)
creed or religious belief, see faith (religion)
in philosophy: see faith (philosophy)
female name, see Vera (first name)
fictional race from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy XII. A, see Faith (fictional race)

This special connection, which at first impression looks inextricable, represents a depth and a space that includes other secondary directions, disciplines and sciences that interact, transform, create an evolutionary balance in the understanding of evolutionary and individual cycles. Therefore, they shape the individual and society's readiness for a certain harmonization and creation of balance, where all possible interacting forces must be corrected willy-nilly. Inconsistency and deviation, creates a uncorrect view of ethics and code of ethics.


E - book HONEST GUIDE výstavbou Yarmila Neuschlová 2019


I was very interested in the book because I had never seen anything like it before. This book is a great help for a person who plans to build a family home in the near or distant future and does not know what it entails. I recommend reading.


Thank you Vera for the valuable opinion from the point of view of a 18-year-old woman.❤️ 🍀

Vera, thank you very much for being you. In the more difficult periods of my life, you are usually a great support for me. It is
your natural for several. Thanks for being you.


No. 1 great guide that guides you step by step in buying a property. The perfect tool for anyone thinking about a new home or renovation. If there is no more space left in the library, it is also available in an electronic version.


Thank you for your opinion, willingness and time, and therefore let the instructions in the e-book to improve the choice of the right housing find the most suitable readers.🍀❤️


I wish there are many of them. I will gratefully help if you publish another book 🙂



Wow, perfectly executed from my point of view. I read it out loud, I even got my 7-year-old daughter interested, who came to see what I was reading

"fairy tale" 😄. Beautifully visually processed, simply written, understandable for every layman, and besides, I was able to empathize with the text so much that I started imagining it with my daughter and I'll tell you the truth, it was an amazing feeling, because we both long for a house ❤️

Katarína & her daughter

Work styles and which one is mine for me

Jeden priestor , viac ľudí v jedinečnosti a spôsobe práce. 

Som vykonávateľ v tom najetickejšom ponímaní a prečo? Rád pracujem v kolektíve, je pre mňa svojské mať skôr menej zodpovednosti ako viac, resp. žiadnu veľmi dôležitú. Je dokonca pre mňa náročné byť stredobodom pozornosti, viditeľný, čo keby som niečo pokazil to by bola hanba, čo by nato povedali ostatní. Viem fantasticky spolupracovať a na zviditeľnenie mojej práce, resp. úspechov potrebujem v tom, aby som bol viac videný iných/ vedomých zrelých dospelých/ a tí vedia počiarknuť a oceniť moje talenty a plusy. Častokrát ich sám nevidím a možno o nich ani neviem, nakoľko púšťať sa do hĺbky , ponorov seba samých je nebezpečné pre mňa a skôr to nepotrebujem. Vyhovuje mi žiť taký " obyčajný" štandardný život aktuálnej situácie a doby , v ktorej žijem. Nepotrebujem byť verejne známy, a keď, tak spoločne kolektívne.

One space, more people in uniqueness and way of working. 

Am I an executor in the most ethical sense and why? I like to work in a team, it is peculiar for me to have less responsibility rather than more, or none very important. It is even difficult for me to be the center of attention, visible, what if I mess something up, it would be a shame, what would others say afterwards. I know how to collaborate fantastically and to make my work visible, or I need success in being seen more by others/ aware mature adults/ and they know how to underline and appreciate my talents and pluses. Often times I don't see them myself and maybe I don't even know about them, as it is dangerous for me to venture into the depths, dives of myself, and rather I don't need it. It suits me to live such an "ordinary" standard life of the current situation and time in which I live. I don't need to be publicly known, and when, then together collectively.

Som inšpirátor , neľahká úloha. V tom najvycibrenejšom modely TOP pocit. V priebehu cesty k pomyselnému "TOP" pre inšpirátora rôznorodosť reakcií a interakcií, ktoré inšpirátora nútia aj napriek nevysvetliteľným zmenám a rozhodnutiam " valiť " si svoju cestu a to doslova.

Pre mnohých to pôsobí hlava nehlava, možno egoizmus, necitlivosť, perfekcionalizmus. / v očiach inostrancov a skôr vedome nevedomých ľudí/.

Inakosť a jedinečnosť zrodenia koktejlu potencionality. ktorý čaká na tie správne okamihy k prejaveniu, vlastnému slobodnému odsúhlaseniu a v zmysle daru aj k nútenému poslúchaniu potenciálu daného života a osudu, ktorý si pri " zlej" voľbe vyberie daň nepodpory života / prečo bol daný koktejl ako dar života pripravení pre túto výnimočnú osobnosť/a odchodu do iných úrovní, ktoré sú pre pozemšťanov aktuálne v hmotnej forme nesprístupnené.

Schopnosť ustáť všetky živly a nástrahy  života k väčšej pevnosti miešanou s citlivosťou, znamená stupeň geniality v podobe služby. Iba inteligentní ľudia vedia skutočne slúžiť a vedia, čo je to služba.

I am an inspirer, a difficult task. TOP feeling in the most refined models. In the course of the journey to the imaginary "TOP" for the inspirer, a variety of reactions and interactions force the inspirer, despite inexplicable changes and decisions, to "roll" his way, and that's a blessing.

For many, it seems pell-mell, perhaps egoism, insensitivity, perfectionism. / in the eyes of "strangers" and rather consciously ignorant people/.

The otherness and uniqueness of the birth of the potentiality cocktail. who waits for the right moments to manifest, to give their own free consent and, in the sense of a gift, to forced obedience to the potential of a given life and destiny, who, in the case of a "bad" choice, will take the toll of not supporting life /   the given cocktail as a gift of life prepared for this exceptional personality/ and departure to other levels that are currently inaccessible to earthlings in material form.

The ability to withstand all the elements and pitfalls of life for greater strength mixed with sensitivity means a degree of genius in the form of service. Only intelligent people can truly serve and know what service is.

V dnešnej dobe  označenia, ako hybrid pracovného štýlu človeka. Narodený ako " obyčajný" človek so zapadajúcimi a nevyčnievajúcimi prejavmi do istého obdobia a z pohľadom do minulosti nachádzanie istých momentov aktívnej imaginácie. Pozorovateľ a vykonávateľ deja bez oddelenosti v čase a priestore. Nadhľad a isté vnútorné vedenie, ktoré v 99% nezapadá do "systému" aktuálne naplánovaného zošnurovaného a ohraničeného deja, doby. Obrovská citlivá reakcia vybraných ľudí, kľudne aj chvíľkovej interakcii, dotyk hĺbky s mnohými odtieňmi pre druhú stranu.

Otvorený priestor pre všetko a zároveň veľmi špecifický výber pre možnosť blízkosti. 

Dynamika a čas má svoj "režim" bez vedomosti výsledku podľa plánu. Naplnenie "plánu" podlieha nezištným nehmotným zákonom a nepredstavuje cieľ pre tento pracovný štýl. Sám človek je začiatok a cieľ daného pracovného štýlu. Špecifickosť ako definícia slova, ktorá označuje túto osobnosť v aktuálnej súčasnej dobe.

In today's time, the designation as a hybrid of a person's working style. Born as an "ordinary" person with expressions that fit in and do not stand out in a certain period and, looking back, finding certain moments of active imagination. Observer and executor of the action without separation in time and space. Oversight and a certain inner guidance, which in 99% does not fit into the "system" of the currently planned laced and bounded plot, period. A huge sensitive reaction of selected people, even a momentary interaction, a touch of depth with many shades for the other side.

Open space for everything and at the same time a very specific selection for the possibility of proximity.

Dynamics and time have their own "mode" without knowing the result according to the plan. The fulfillment of the plan is subject to immaterial laws and is not a goal for this work style. The person himself is the beginning and the goal of the given work style. Specificity as a definition of the word indicates in the current present time.

Našli Ste sa, alebo poznáte iné?

Have you found yourself or do you know others?


Work styles and which one is mine for me